It had been the longest-standing record still on the books following a glut of records at the last world championships in Rome in 2009 when swimmers wearing the now banned polyurethane swimsuits set 43 records. 这是继2009年罗马竞标赛封禁了聚亚安脂运动服套装在游泳比赛中使用后在记录中矗立最久的世界纪录了。
As one important part of the Taoist books, the Taoist temple and mountain books are valuable materials for researching the history of Chinese Taoism, local records and culture. 道教宫观山志是道教典籍的重要组成部分,是研究中国道教史、方志史乃至文化史的宝贵材料。
The bookkeeper simply enters data in financial records books; the accountant must understand entire system of records so that he or she can analyze and interpret business transaction. 簿记员的工作只是登记账簿,而会计师必须了解账目的全部体系,从而可以对业务交易进行分析和解释。
In order to solidify the relationship, they may opt for indirect infractions without regard for the time involved in getting to know the other negotiator. Licensee agrees to keep accurate Books of account and records covering all transactions relating to the license hereby granted. 为了巩固这种联系,他们会选择非直接的交流而不计较投入用于了解对方的时间。接受方同意建立和保留所有有关本合同项下交易活动的会计帐本和记录。
Access at all times to all books of account and records; 有随时调阅一切帐簿及记录之权;
Licensee agrees to keep accurate Books of account and records covering all transactions relating to the license hereby granted. 接受方同意建立和保留所有有关本合同项下交易活动的会计帐本和记录。
Truthfulness, completeness and accuracy of the contents disclosed by the books of account, timeliness and clarity of the records and appropriateness of the corrective measures; 帐簿反映的内容是否真实、完整、准确,记录是否及时、清晰,是否采用正确的更正方法;
In historical books there are a lot of records of the residential architecture culture, and there are also rich cultural information implied in the formation of Chinese characters. 建筑居住文化不仅有史籍的记载,而且也在汉字形体中蕴涵有丰富的文化信息。
Give Full Play to the Principal Function of Purchasing Guide in Books Marketing A Research and Review on Teaching of Principal Chinese Ancient Books and Records Introduction and Readings 图书销售中应充分发挥导购员的主体作用历史要籍介绍及其选读课教学的回顾与探索
As Spring and Autumn period and Warring States period far away from now, Therefore, this paper uses the archaeological data to demonstrate the history books of records. 由于春秋战国时期距离现在较远,所以本文运用考古方面的资料,结合史籍方面的记载。
Literature records of Six Dynasties 'clothing, from the myth, fiction, Poetry, articles, and history books of the Six Dynasties, these records are vivid and beautiful, not only has high literary value of the clothing is more of a very high value. 文学作品中对六朝服饰的记载,散见于六朝的神话、小说、诗赋、文章以及史书之中,这些记载栩栩如生、美轮美奂,不仅具有较高的文学价值更具有相当高的服饰研究价值。